martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020

UNIT1 Task 6: Portrait, Studio Fix.

The first three photos were shot to see the effect that light has on the face and how it affects the subject depending on the line that comes from.

On the first 2 pictures I used a light on the left side of the model, while on the third photography I used 2 lights, one on each side to create that effect.

1. One light

M 1/500 F4.5 ISO 1600
F/3.5-5.6 III 

2. One light 2.0

M 1/500 F4.5 ISO 12800
F/3.5-5.6 III 

3. One light on each side

M 1/500 F4.5 ISO 6400
F/3.5-5.6 III 

After I took some photos using a more profesional black background and a softbox to see the contrast and how it affects the lights, making them more smooth. This first shot has the background and1 light on eachside with a softbox on them. 

M 1/100 F5.6 ISO 6400
F/3.5-5.6 III 

Also I tried as well the "Halo effect" that you can manage to get while you take a photo and one of the lights if behind the model and the other light comes from the front left (in this case). For this photos I used one of my classmates as she has curly hair and was wearing a cardigan. 

M 1/500 F4.5 ISO 6400
F/3.5-5.6 III 

For the second photo I only used the light without the softbox and no other light. This helped to create a "Halo effect" more intense and at the same time put some shadows on her face.

M 1/500 F4.5 ISO 6400
F/3.5-5.6 III 

At last but not least, this photo is one of my favourites from this session. Our lovely teacher decided to be the model for the portraits and portraits with props. 

What I like from this shot it that he was no posing our doing anything special for the shot, he was just helping another classmate with her camera settings.

M 1/100 F4.5 ISO 6400
F/3.5-5.6 III 

1.2 Evaluation and reflection

Coming from an art background this assignment was fun and really interesting for me. It was the first time that I was using professional lights and even a softbox. 
I shot loads of photos that night trying different settings from the exposure triangle, more ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture.

This assignment helped me to understand how I can create different looks and types of portraits using different lighting, backgrounds, angles and professional equiptment such as a softbox. As I enjoy taking photos with natural light (I know the perfect light time at home) for my shots, I would love to explore more the professional lights and the softbox. Portraits is something that I never tried before really and since this task I'm getting in to it.


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