The task 5 was to take and choose a colour to shot, in my case I choose Red.
My favourite colours are black, grey and navy so going for red is a huge change for me. One thing I love about this colour is the symbolism that carries around.
In ancient Rome, red was the color of Mars, the god of war, the planet Mars was named for him because of its red color. This resonates with me as my name means warrior and completly fills this asociation.
Red is the color that most attracts attention. Surveys show it is the color most frequently associated with visibility, proximity, and extroverts. It is also the color most associated with dynamism and activity. By a large margin is the color most commonly associated with seduction, sexuality, eroticism, possibly because of its close connection with passion and with danger.
Red was long seen as having a dark side, particularly in Christian theology. It was associated with sexual passion, anger, sin, and the devil.
Here are the photos I choose, hope you like them as I do!
1. Bishop's Palace Gardens
AV 1/160 F5.6 ISO 6400
F/3.5-5.6 III
Nestling between the south-western edge of the Cathedral and the City Walls lie the beautiful Bishop’s Palace Gardens, a public park maintained by the city.
2. Roses are red...
AV 1/180 F3.5 ISO 1600
F/3.5-5.6 III
This shot was a tricky one. It was really windy and I loved the contrast of the colours of the flower with the wall. I'm extremly happy with the result and how aerie it is.
3. Bognor Regis Pier
M1/200 F4.5 ISO 100
F/3.5-5.6 III
Bognor Regis Pier is one of the smallest I ever have the chance to visit. Storm damage in 1964 and 1965 caused the pavilion to sink into the sea. Nowadays the pier stands at 107m long. I love this photo because of the contrast ot the rusty light and locks against the different shades of blue of the sea and the sky.
4. Hiorne Tower
M 1/500 F8 ISO 100
F/3.5-5.6 III
Not far from Arundel is the 1797 Hiorne tower built by Francis Hiorne as he bid for the contract to rebuild the castle. Today, it stands alone in the landscape, a wonderful, purposeless folly. Hiorne never won the contract he desired, and he died two years later, but his Tower did achieve greatness. It went on to star in Doctor Who.
5. Special delivery!
M 1/125 F4.5 ISO 100
F/3.5-5.6 III
It was the first time I saw milk bottles on the street. That was not a thing in my country and I only saw it in films. What a great surprise! I also love how they reutilised the watercan as a plant pot!
1.2 Evaluation and reflection
I found this assignment really interesting. It helped me to discover how to focus on something specific like the colour red for my composition. I enjoyed doing this task and picking out the colour red. It is a very powerful colour and makes the subject pop out.
From my selection of shots, my favourite is "Hiorne Tower" in Arundel. The reason is because it is a landscape composition and it is quite deceptive. Over all the main colours are green, light blue, rusty and sandstone. The red represents only a very small part of the picture but this makes it all the more important.
The roses are red shot was very difficult to shoot because of simple interferance such as wind and trying to get the best angle and composition. I wanted the rose to really stand out. I believe I achieve this by using depths of field and a wide lens. It also stands out because of the dark background. I have worked on focusing on colour before but this time it has help me to be even more specific.
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